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To download anim:

Linux (including Ubuntu-on-Windows)

  1. Make sure you have standard OpenGL packages first:
    sudo apt install freeglut3-dev libglew-dev
  2. Download anim
  3. Go to your downloads directory and unpack the tarball:
    tar xvf anim.tar
  4. Switch to the anim/ directory you just created:
    cd anim
  5. Compile the program and the demos:
    make anim
    make demos
  6. Install anim by copying it into your system path:
    sudo make install


  1. Download anim
  2. Go to your downloads directory and unpack the tarball:
    tar xvf anim.tar
  3. Switch to the anim/ directory you just created:
    cd anim
  4. Compile the program and the demos:
    make anim-mac
    make demos
  5. Install anim by copying it into your system path:
    sudo make install
(This is a test update) test link